Who is aquarius compatibility

Mars' placement in the seventh house of any zodiac has an effect on the connection. Their romantic compatibility suffers as they grow more reliant on others to improve their situation. If two individuals born under these signs are already in a relationship and wish to marry, they should try to find each other's shortcomings and discover how much forgiveness they have for one another. Their relationship may be too strenuous for the Cancer partner, and their sense of failure will most certainly lead to their breakup.

Nonetheless, if they can embrace each other, their connection may blossom, and they could be able to communicate fresh perspectives for each other. In order for this couple to grow in a healthy manner, Aquarius must acknowledge their partner's individuality and attempt to be modest while sharing some fun.

Cancer will have to shoulder the most of the responsibilities in order to preserve the notion of their home as a base from which they may move anywhere they desire. They share a lot of admiration for each other's ambitions and accomplishments. They have a broader view of each other's viewpoints. Leo and Aquarius form an excellent couple because they value each other's tiniest efforts. Leos are less outspoken and strict, whereas Aquarians are very open about their feelings, which might cause problems.

If these two signs desire to marry, neither sign's seventh house will be very supportive, yet things will always work out for them. They will have no problems with faith and respect, but they will choose to keep secrets from each other out of fright.

Marriages that have both of these elements continue indefinitely, but with a lot of sacrifices. For Aquarius, no amount of love will suffice, notably if it is the sign of the female partner in the connection.

In the long term, discontent in a physical connection will be a problem for a wedded pair. Cultivate mystery through time apart. Your independent signs need to develop your own lives, then reunite with thrilling tales from the road. Your signs have so little in common, it's hard to make a go of this. Old-fashioned Taurus craves tradition, order and security. Rebel Aquarius is an oddball who lives to defy rules and convention.

Taurus is an Earth sign who plants deep roots; Air sign Aquarius is an adventurous nomad who goes wherever the wind blows. While you may start out fascinated by each other, the magic ends faster than you can say "pixie dust. Free-spirited Aquarius will flee from the Bull's possessive grip, which only clenches tighter the more Aquarius flits about. Then there's the matter of your social circles, which rarely overlap. Aquarius habitually befriends the most eccentric people—the corner wino who's solved the string theory, the local fortune teller, his bus driver.

While Taurus may humor these characters in passing, all hell breaks loose when Aquarius invites his tribe of wayward souls to spend the weekend, or to sleep on the couch "until they get their act together. You can try to compromise, but you'll only end up short-changing your natural gifts. Aquarius rules the zodiac's eleventh house of friends and society; he's the unofficial mayor wherever he goes, and is meant to spread himself among the people.

Homebody Taurus has much more earthbound goals. Neither of you will get the satisfaction you crave unless you work hard to compromise. This match of compatible Air signs can feel a bit like high school romance—teasing, texting, movie dates with jumbo popcorn and licentious groping during the previews.

You bring out each other's breezy, buoyant spirits, and that's a plus. You'll bond over TV shows, favorite sci-fi novels and superheroes, obscure philosophers, music. With your clever comebacks and verbal repartee, you could take a comedy act on the road. Although you can both be overly cerebral at times, you prefer laughter and light conversation to emotional melodrama. Eventually, though, you need to get out of the shallow end of the pool.

Intimacy is a challenge for your signs. We're talking true intimacy—being caught with your pants down and no clue how to get them back up. Telling each other your entire life stories in monologue form which could have happened on the first date doesn't count.

You must soldier through the post-infatuation "awkward phase," or you'll end up feeling like buddies. That would be a shame, as you can make excellent life partners and playmates.

The biggie: you'll both need to give up fibs and lies—particularly lies of omission. You're excellent storytellers and politicos, gifted at crafting a spin to fit your agenda. However, the naked truth is the only way out of the Matrix. Though it may topple your PR-friendly public image, it's a necessary risk you must take to build the character and depth of a lasting commitment.

This oddball match is as fascinating and perplexing as a Proenza Schouler pump—and like the highbrow fashion house, few understand its power. Here we have Cancer, sentimental and family-oriented, possessive, anchored by deep roots and tradition. Mix in Aquarius, the sci-fi nomad, a butterfly escaping the net of convention, laughing with you and at you all at once.

How on earth…? This is a coupling that doesn't happen often, and for good reason. Cool Aquarius doesn't need much affection, and Cancer withers without physical touch. The Crab clutches his loved ones in powerful pincers, and scuttles after Aquarius, practically begging for love.

Naturally, free-spirited Aquarius feels smothered and trapped by these demands for intimacy, and constructs little trap doors everywhere—a basketball team, a drama class, a post on city council. Yet, when wounded Cancer withdraws into his shell, Aquarius is suddenly intrigued. Where did my lifeline go? What Aquarius takes for granted is Cancer's loyalty, which can resemble a mother's love for her troubled teen.

The Crab can see the vulnerable child underneath the surly bravado. Beyond that, you owe each other a karmic debt so profound, you can't even articulate it. Explains one Aquarius, who's been with her Cancer mate for 35 years: "I've learned that sometimes you have to do what the other person likes, even if you don't like it.

You'll certainly grow in spirit and character. Sometimes, your soul needs a challenge more than a smoothly-paved road. These opposite signs can be volatile match. Leo is the sign of the self, a born star and showstopper who commands attention wherever he goes. Aquarius rules the zodiac's eleventh house of groups and society—he's both the class president and its rabble-rousing radical. You're competitive spotlight-grabbers who can fight dirty, especially as you jostle to outdo each other.

Their destructive, drug-addled marriage brought Whitney's singing career to its knees. Yet, Leo is a hopeless romantic filled with haughty pride, standing loyally by a mate, fiddling while Rome burns.

You both spark each other's jealousy, Leo by flirting with everyone in sight, Aquarius by treating his bazillion friends as though they're on equal par with Leo they are. Leo is needy, demanding constant attention, but cool-headed Aquarius feels smothered by too much affection and togetherness. Aquarius will listen patiently to Leo's dramas, but only to a point. They might not even last as friends.

Aquarius and Pisces compatibility can be weak — or it can be strong. They both want to do their part in helping humanity. They are open-minded problem solvers. However, they need completely different things in relationships.

Aquarius need plenty of space while Pisces are possessive. Is it a compatible love match between Capricorn and Aquarius? Will this earth sign and air sign find that they could find common ground or will it be a wind storm that should be avoided at all costs? Learn more about Thought Catalog and our writers on our about page. Your favorite tradition is back. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday.

You may unsubscribe at any time. By subscribing, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Statement. By January Nelson Updated May 25, Hafidh Satyanto. For the person who is always googling astrological compatibility when they meet someone new.

Buy now. Aquarius Man — All about the Aquarius man. Aquarius Compatibility - Learn about who a Aquarius is compatible with. Aquarius Horoscope - Traits, personality, dates, characteristics, and more.


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