Why do schools have dress codes

Inclusivity is the foundation upon which pedagogy, curriculum choices, discipline policies, community engagement, and other educational decisions must be made, and will in turn ensure we are not settling for teaching students to self-discipline and assimilate, but instead creating safe learning environments were all students are accepted, engaged, celebrated, and have the opportunity to thrive in schools. The Education Trust and E4E recently convened a small group of educators of color from across the country to….

As a new mom, I can relate to the social media flood about the challenges of being a workingparent…. As a White woman progressing through college and my internship at Ed Trust, I have come to understand the….

It all started when a Catholic mother of four sons wrote a letter to the editor of the University…. Right now, there are families devastated by the most recent government shutdown who are still putting the pieces back…. I often describe myself as an activist and a teacher.

Because I firmly believe that a quality education…. Why do black and Hispanic students perform worse than white students? Brunsma at the University of Alabama at Huntsville, have concluded that no relationship exists, that the uniform or dress code is much less important than most other factors, or even that uniforms lower test scores. Employers are entitled to enact dress codes, including uniforms, if there is a rational basis for the requirement, such as fostering a particular business image, encouraging harder work, or complying with public safety and health standards.

They can ban anything reasonably deemed to be distracting from work, including body art. The courts generally defer to employer judgments and have thus upheld prohibitions of torn clothing, sweat pants, short skirts or blouses, and hats. Provided that the dress code is written clearly, is not excessive or onerous, is applied in a consistent fashion, and does not obviously discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, and perhaps ethnicity, the code is constitutional and does not violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of A dress code that discriminated on the basis of gender would be struck down.

However, dress codes that are consistent with social customs can be upheld. Thus, in Harper v. Blockbuster Entertainment 11th Cir. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a rule requiring shorter haircuts for male employees.

This article was originally published in Henry F. Anderson, A. Brunsma, David L. From Inquiry to Practice. Burnsma, David L. Lynn, Jacquelyn. When you have uniforms in schools it adds a great sense of safety since everyone is wearing the same dress. This also means that students cannot be identified and classed into gangs on the basis of their clothing. This also dissipates threats such as theft and group violence.

In fact, in some parts of the world authorities are now introducing uniforms in order to quell such threats. They are trying to do away with these issues and make the school less violent and dangerous, and, thus, safer to attend.

These days, schools have become rather unsafe with students killing each other as well! This is happening because they want to own sneakers that are expensive and designer jackets that are worn by others. However, when you have uniforms in a school such incidents of assault and theft can be kept to the minimum possible level.

Violent acts of crime can be eliminated by uniforms. A great effect of uniforms in schools is that they can increase attendance records.

One of the major reasons for this is the fact when you wear a uniform there is a lesser chance of you being ridiculed by other students because they feel you look bad or funny. You would feel a lot more at ease. With uniforms children who are from the lower strata of the economic ladder no longer feel bad because of the quality of their dresses. This makes them a lot more eager to attend school as well. As has been said already, when you have uniforms in school it takes away a lot of the pressurizing elements that would otherwise make a student want to miss school.

In a number of research-based studies it has been seen that there is a direct relation between what is thought and said about a student and what he wears to school. It is said that teachers will always choose the more disciplined looking students than the disheveled ones.


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